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Selecting Elements with No Class

Alex MacArthur   /

If you’ve been a developer for more than 7 minutes, you’ve probably felt uncomfortably pressured into doing something weird with your code, like specifically styling plain, classless, attribute-less elements. Don’t ask for the details, just accept the reality of this happening sometimes.

When I meet scenarios like this, by default, I instantly architecting the most terrible, complicated solution that’s tied to my unique context.

.page-whatever-wordpress-plugin  .this-class  + .that-class  > h3:nth-child(3)  ~ span {  font-weight: bold;}

For obvious reasons, solutions like this usually quickly pass by, and I’m forced to step back and rubber duck the problem verbally. Thankfully, for this problem, that conversation was over pretty quickly, when I realized we already have a solution for this.

Use the negation pseudo-class to select elements that do not have something.

Or, as you might otherwise call it, the :not() selector.

This trick isn’t new, but I’d usually seen it used to avoid selecting elements by a specific attribute value. For example:

  • Selecting all elements that don’t have a whatever-class-i-want-to-avoid class:
*:not(.whatever-class-i-want-to-avoid) {}
  • Select all elements that don’t have a data-id of 33.
*:not([data-id="33"]) {}

But this time, I don’t care about what the value is. I want to know if the attribute exists on the element at all.

You can use the negation pseudo-class to (not) select only by attribute too. crazy text

And remember, class is just an HTML attribute. Meaning, we can do completely permissible, non-hacky things like this:

  • Select all elements that have no class:
*:not([class]) {}
  • Select elements that have a class attribute whose value is empty:
*:not([class=""]) {}

Beyond that, we can do a wide range of things more concerned with the existence of an attribute rather than the attribute’s value. See a brief example on CodePen.

And with that, another weird, one-off challenge resolved with tools we already had available to us.


A while back, I started working in a Rails application in which I needed to introduce a JavaScript file that’d be compiled with Webpacker. To do so, I created the file in my `packs` directory and loaded it up via `content_for`:

<% content_for(:body_assets) do %>
  <%= javascript_pack_tag("some-file") %>
<% end %>

Locally, things worked great! But once I deployed, integration tests running in the CI pipeline would unexpectedly fail, even though the same tests were _passing_ on my machine. After some time spent troubleshooting, it turned out to be one primary issue, which was drawn out by my misunderstanding of how Webpacker loads configuration settings for an environment. This is a quick review of the entire debugging process.

## Problem #1: A `manifest.json` file wasn’t being generated.

As Rails is running a request and the `javascript_pack_tag` method is encountered, it’ll reference a `manifest.json` file in order to load the correct assets. If that file doesn’t exist, Rails vomits. This is the sort of error you’ll see:

ActionView::Template::Error: Webpacker can't find some-script in /my/app/path/public/packs/manifest.json. Possible causes:

1\. You want to set webpacker.yml value of compile to true for your environment
   unless you are using the `webpack -w` or the webpack-dev-server.
2\. webpack has not yet re-run to reflect updates.
3\. You have misconfigured Webpacker's config/webpacker.yml file.
4\. Your webpack configuration is not creating a manifest.

This made sense. Upon deploy, Webpacker was apparently not being told to compile assets _before_ requests were made or _as_ they were made, and so that file was never getting correctly generated.

### Solution: Ensure my `webpacker.yml` file has `compile` set to `true`.

In all of my environments _except_ `production`, I wanted to set `compile` to `true`, so that on each request, Rails would check to see if it needs to compile assets before continuing. Instead of duplicating this change in my `development` and `test` environments, I opted to make it the default, since `production` already had it explicitly set to `false`.

default: &default  compile: truedevelopment:  <<:    *default    # other settings...test:  <<: *default  # other settings...production:  <<: *default  compile:    false    # other settings...

I felt good about this… until it failed.

## Problem #2: Webpacker wasn’t respecting default settings in its configuration file.

After some brief internal rage, I noticed a particular log that I must have passed over earlier:

RAILS_ENV=build environment is not defined in config/webpacker.yml, falling back to production environment

My tests were being run in the `build` environment – not `test`. And as it turns out, **Webpacker will fall back** **`production`** **if it can’t find the specified environment.** _This_ is why my assets weren’t being compiled. A `build` environment wasn’t set in my Webpacker configuration file, so it was falling back to `production`, which was explicitly telling Webpacker to _not_ compile assets.

### Solution: Ensure my environment exists in the `webpacker.yml` file.

Like most bugs that tempt you to rip your hair out, the solution turned out to be two lines:

build:    <<: *default

Sure, enough. All was green after that change.

## Key Takeaway: Read Your Logs Good.

What bit me here is some assumptions I made about how Webpacker loaded a configuration. The amount of time dealing with the consequences of those assumptions might have been avoided if I had been just a little more thorough in reading through the error logs. Don’t make this mistake yourself!

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